
Friday, June 28, 2013

Five Minute Friday: In Between

Five minutes to write whatever comes to mind.  Here we go! 

It's the in between that scares me. 
The not knowing.
The waiting.
The hoping.
How's it gonna turn out?
How's it gonna go?
Will this be painful?
Will it bring us joy?

I like real.
Something I can hold onto.

I remember graduating college and being terrified.
Knowing what my next step was,
but not being sure of it.
That time in between.
It was then that I grew the most.

I remember bringing my first baby home.
Being overwhelmed with emtion.
Praying that I could really hack it
when real life started up again.
That time in between.
It was then that I grew the most.

The in between, that's when we learn, we grow, we rebuild.
It's the part that, scary as it may be, counts the most.

Today I'm linking up with Lisa Jo over at Five Minute Fridays.

1 comment:

  1. SO TRUE! Much of what makes life uncomfortable are our most refining, transforming moments. Or, can be if we let them. Thanks for sharing.
