
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Thank You

Dear Sweet Older Couple Who Sat Behind Us at Church last week,

Thank you for not shushing my kids (& me) during Communion. Thank you for that stifled giggle when my three-year-old not so quietly whispered that she was hungry too or when my six-year-old said, "oh it's cause I'm not in first grade yet?" when I tried to explain why he couldn't partake of the unleavened bread and grape juice.

Thank you for understanding that they're learning. That no, they wouldn't be better off in the nursery. Because where else will they learn? Where else will they see and feel the reverance of Communion? Where else will they learn to serve the person beside you before serving yourself? Where else will they learn to sit and just BE in the presence of God?

I know they're loud sometimes and that sometimes their crayons roll towards you over and over and over again. I know her Amens are funny and his prayer requests are simple. But thank you. Thank you for not laughing too loud. And for not complaining. Thank you for letting them learn.

A Grateful Mama


  1. Hi, I am Amy. Looks like we got paired up for the blog swap. my email is if you want to send me your mailing address. I think I pretty much have your items bought, Just need to get them in a box. I am expecting a baby and hopefully soon so I wanted to get it ready before that. I've read alittle bit of your blog and hope to read more real soon. Your kids are super cute!

  2. that is definitely something to be thankful for. being a mom of little ones can be so stressful....or maybe thats just my type-A personality:))) its encouraging when others offer grace in what could be an uncomfortable situation!

    and about this boutique....why wasn't i invited {wink-wink}.

  3. LOVE this post! Oh that the heart of more Christians were like this couple's. :)
