
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day--a day late

On Mother's Day I spent my morning cleaning pee off the couch and milk off the ottoman. I stayed home from church with Lu because she had a slight fever and a croupy cough. Happy Mother's Day to me. :) No really, it's no problem at all. Just another day right? It gave me time to reflect and hang out with my darling daughter and for that I'm grateful. Truly grateful.

On my to do list this week is to get together pics of Eli from birth till now for his preschool graduation. Preschool Graduation. HOLY WOW. My baby boy is graduating from preschool. My heart is swollen with pride and a little fear for what comes next. Kindergarten. He was just born. How can he be ready for kindergarten?!

So while Lu watched Dora and in between painting nails and reading books, I went through pictures on my computer looking for 5 that show my baby boy growing up. I could send in a hundred or more. But I get 5. 5 pictures that show off my precious boy. The one who made me a mother. I remember that first mother's day when I was pregnant with him. I had NO IDEA what I was getting into. I had no idea how much I would love him.

He challenges me every day. I have a friend who calls him "the Master Negotiator" and boy is he ever! He knows just how to push every button I have and even those I didn't know I had. He knows how to cut those eyes at me and make my blood boil! He knows just when I need one of his perfect hugs. While is sister is quick to rush through things nonchalantly, he takes his time and soaks things in. He's my thinker. Often worrying over tiny things. He thinks to send cards or give gifts when even I may not. He's thoughtful and timid and sometimes shy. He's nervous and deliberate and hates to be on stage. He's kind and gentle and pulls at my heart.

I see myself in his creativeness, his determination, his stubborness. I hear my voice in his sarcasm and in his offkey singing. I see his daddy in his kindness and his care with all things small.

I can't imagine my life without him and feel so incredibly blessed to be apart of his. God is amazing and I thank Him daily for the gift of motherhood.

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