I keep remembering summer 2 years ago. Eli was 2...turning 3 in September. My belly was full with a baby due in late August. The pool at the local rec park didn't charge for kids 2 & under and/or parents who were going to the kiddie pool. We spent A LOT of time at that kiddie pool. The water is just over a foot deep so Eli could splash & play as much as he wanted without me really worrying. I sat on the side, or often just inside the pool, as it was sweltering hot. I remember feeling particularly comfortable in my pregnant skin. Any other time in my life I'd be not-so-happy about getting in a bathing suit, but what better excuse than the precious life growing inside of me. I was tan, & as an older woman once told me, "fat just looks better tan" so I felt pretty good about myself. Chris' business was going strong and I wasn't going back to work until December so I was soaking up some much needed rest before the baby arrived.
Eli was sleeping in until 9 that summer. (ahhh...I miss those days) We'd get up, eat breakfast & make it to the pool by lunch. Most days I packed our lunch and we'd stay at the pool till 3. After the pool we'd head home, singing silly songs all the way (my way of keeping him awake till we made it home). At home we'd change out of our swimsuits...me to sweats, him to his diaper & we'd lie on my bed and watch Martha & SuperWHY till we fell asleep. I remember waking up with my baby boy beside me, tan & smelling of chlorine & sunscreen, knowing that these days were quickly escaping me. Come August our lives would change forever.
I love my Luci Ann. She has brought so much to our family. But I am SO very thankful for that last summer with my baby boy before he became a big brother. Such joyous memories I have.
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